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Info jeu

Jeu flash
Objectif jeu
Again different people with different affections and interests and that is pretty amazing because only that way we could explore in details our surroundings and learn more about everything. We could not know everything but thanks to those peoples knowledge; we could get more information much easily.<br /><br />For example young Josephine is a passionate diver. She is interested in this hobby very, very much and she is reaching the depths for many years until now. Every free time that she has she uses in exploring the sea depths, finding out numerous interesting facts related to those waters. However, most of the times she was exploring the nature but one of those dives opened her one new perspective, not less interesting at all, actually something that changed her entire life.<br /><br />While Josephine was diving as always, it happened to notice the great Black Knight – a boat that has been concerned as disappeared for more than 200 years. There were numerous expeditions looking for the boat but it seemed that it has disappeared from the face of the earth and no one could find it until this day. It is presumed that there is a huge amount of gold on this boat and even if this is something new for Josephine, she is ready to explore the whole boat in details with aim to find the gold. Lets help Josephine explore the every corner of the boat and get to the gold that is a huge finding for her personally but also for the history in general.

Mystery Of The Sea

Contrôles du jeu

Heures jouées: 1
Temps total joué: 6m 14s
Nombre de fois téléchargé: 0
Taille du fichier: 6.88 Mo
Date de l'installation 20/11/2019 10:47

Catégorie: PLAGE ETE Jeux flash (manip à faire)
Note du jeu:

Type de jeu (v2)

Scores élevés   Jouer   Plein écran

  • Qui est dans l'Arcade   1 Member, 0 Anonyme  (La plupart des utilisateurs ont déjà été dans l'Arcade 16, sur 20/02/2022 18:03)

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