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Meilleurs scores pour King Of Spades

Score du champion


Meilleur score: 12 345
Temps passé: 4m 29s
King Of Spades

King Of Spades

Each player plays each 1 card. All 4 cards played form a stitch. You must, if possible, depend on the game color wird.Falls dictated by the first played in the very engraving map you are missing a card in the correct color, you can play any card. The highest card in the first color that is played in every stitch, wins the trick unless a trump is played. Spades is trump, however, must not be played at the beginning of a stitch, when the color was not played before and thus broken. This means someone has in one pass, which was started with a different color game, trumping with spades. After spades can be played as any card in a lurch.
Champion du temple


Score du temple: 16 668
Temps passé: 4m 3s

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Premier joué Dernier joué: Temps total joué: Temps moyen passé Score de durée de vie Heures jouées: Score moyen
02/06/2022 17:20 25/02/2024 19:49 18m 49s 4m 42s 50 936 4 12 734
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