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Arcade  Défis  Favoris  Classements  temple de la renommée


Meilleurs scores pour Owls Relocation

Score du champion


Meilleur score: 4 540
Temps passé: 1m 54s
Owls Relocation

Owls Relocation

This is simple yet challenging matching game with a twist. There would be 5 queues of the Owls. You can collect owls by arranging a row of 3 similar owls. You can pick the owl using the mouse and arrange according to need. Each shift is counted as a move. You will get great score if you use as less as possible moves for making a match. There are 10 different levels in this game. You can win a level by collecting 30 owls. The difficulty increases with higher levels. Please collect 30 owls before all rows fills, otherwise you will lose the game.
Champion du temple


Score du temple: 15 400
Temps passé: 13m 11s

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Premier joué Dernier joué: Temps total joué: Temps moyen passé Score de durée de vie Heures jouées: Score moyen
04/05/2024 21:19 04/05/2024 21:19 1m 54s 1m 54s 4 540 1 4 540
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