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Arcade  Défis  Favoris  Classements  temple de la renommée


Meilleurs scores pour Decoder

Score du champion


Meilleur score: 12 345
Temps passé: 16m 49s


You get 8 guesses to figure out the hidden combination at the end of the board. Fill colored marbles from the bottom into the lowest row of slots. After, hit the red button on the bottom right of the board. A black marble means you got a color right and it is in the right spot (or order). A white marble means that you selected a correct color marble but it is in the wrong spot. If you didn't get any marbles after hitting the red button it means that none of the colors you used in your guess are in the hidden combination. A color can be used more then once in a combination, so watch out!<br />.
Champion du temple


Score du temple: 12 345
Temps passé: 16m 49s

Données historiques pour Invité

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Données historiques pour toute l'arcade

Premier joué Dernier joué: Temps total joué: Temps moyen passé Score de durée de vie Heures jouées: Score moyen
13/11/2023 17:16 13/03/2024 16:10 22m 47s 7m 36s 14 394 3 4 798
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